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Pralin Magasin

Skärmavbild 2021-01-26 kl. 13.34.15.png

A poetic dialogue based on Sappho's poetry published in Pralin Magasin #Heart, 2019. 

(()) Magazine

Poems on female sexuality for (()) Magazine, 2018.

Poetry chapbook Ström/Stream

Ström/Stream was published in 2017 by Podpoesi Press in their chapbook series on contemporary and experimental poetry. The poems explore themes as sexuality, womanhood, heritage and violence, taking inspiration from stream of consciousness and the process of developing analogue photographs.

'My Roman Fagerlinds mörka och psykologiskt djupborrande Ström gör skäl för titeln genom sin elektrifierade medvetandeström av bilder, scener och hågkomster. Här pågår ett minnesarbete och en läkningsprocess som handlar om att sätta namn på vad som skett och återknyta kontakten med ett jag som tappats bort. I tätt packade tillbakablickar, där snedstreck skär av meningarna, återkallas ett bortträngt trauma och bit för bit framträder en historia om våld. Likt ett fotografi i framkallningsvätska får de drömskt suddiga bilderna allt klarare konturer och det lågmälda tilltalet skärps.' - Anne Lingebrandt, Lyrikvännen

10TAL Magazine

 Poems and interview published in 10TAL Magazine, 2017.


Poems exploring shape for the second issue of New_Magazine, 2017.

What's the answer? In that case, what's the question?

Excerpts from my master's project The Red Briefcase published 2016 in the anthology What's the answer? In that case, what's the question? This project contains over 400 pages of archival documents, poems, photographs, letters, cut-ups and other types of texts exploring themes as heritage, memory, mental illness, motherhood and the political state of Sweden in the 1980s and 1990s. The project begun after Roman Fagerlind was given a red briefcase from her grandmother, filled with letters, poems and documents that belonged to Roman Fagerlinds late aunt. The project was an attempt of getting to know her aunt and family through various artistic processes.

CONST Literary (P)review #2

Excerpts from lyrical prose project Flora Of Russia published in CONST Literary (P)review #2, 2013. The project is a poetic examination of our consumerist society, following a young Russian model, the Russian wrestler Alexander Karelin and a Russian mink farm.

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